Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Soft skills for happy and peacefull life

2. Soft skills

The soft skills will act as a bonding agent between relationships instead of breaking agent which is seen in case of rude behavioured beople. This will help building goold relationship amongst  people and good relationship have its own reward.

Learning soft skills and practising it to a level when they'll become a natural  reflex while dealing with people everyday will have tremendously help, reducing the hot situations where brawling or fighting would become inevitable, and side by side people  power also increases in this way and the feel good factor will start to grow.

How to do it ?
Basic rules are are to be followed

1. Respect them all irrespective of age , gender or class.

While talking to anybody keeping in mind the  above mentioned rule will always help.

In case of your enemy if not possible to respect them atleast don't disrespect them.

2. Don't hurt others ego

3.Treating  every people as special  will take you a long way.

4.Never think about harmful things about others,because your ill thoughts may come out at anytime while you are talking to others and this can be used by others against you.  

Practising good manner to lead a peaceful and happy family life

Practising good manner

Great people always follows good manners , but all of us who are not great people aslo can practise manners. Practising good manners at home or at workplace or wherever applicable if applied properly will make the living condition better and enjoyable as manner is by menaing is the sensitive awareness of  feelings of others.

Good manners practised at home will automatically raise the children with good habits whereas breaking the bad habits once they are aquired is a herculian task.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How to avoid being a lazy person and be creative and leave happily and peacefully

How to avoid lazyness and be creative leave happily and peacefully

To leave happily and peacefully a person has to overcome certain interpersonal deficiencies. One of the most common deficiency is the laziness or procastination.  A person becomes lazy due to several reason, however the most common thing is that if the person do not get right amount of sound sleep then he is bound to become a lazy person.

So to avoid being a lazy person he must try to get sound sleep of sufficient duration which is almost 7-8 hours.

Sound sleep depends on various things and sleep patern can be disturbed due to many reasons.

Watching TV sould be stopped at least  1 hour before going to bed. It has been found that watching TV before going to bed have serious effect on the sleep patern.

Excersing before going to bed is also to avoided

strong light should not be in the room.

Another thing that hampers the sleep pattern is the lack of exercise. One should exercise sufficiently daily to remain maintain health and good sleep. Only some Aerobics, free handexercises and pranayama will be suficient.
There is no need for training from Aerobics experts and any types of aerobics can be practised for that.

For freehand exercise only two waterfilled 2liter waterbottle is sufficient.

For pranayama the following methode can be practised for 10 to 15 mins per day preferably in the morning.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Managing tension for peaceful and happy life

Tension management

Tension happens to every body, along with  some  serious side effects  which attacks our mind and body.
The only way to avoid tension is to learn how to  manage tension.

So first of all we will see what are the causes that creates tension.

1.Fear of unknown 

2.Fear of known consequences and unable to find the solution to avoid the consequence.

I will discuss the above two in detail before that we require to mention the third counterpart also as mentiooned below.

If we dont uproot the very cause that creates the tension then  the tension will be recurrent or chronic, it will cause tension again and again         No medicine, no meditation can remove the tension. So in that case only way is to remove the very cause which is very often found to be the homework.

So the solution is doing the homework beforehand. This will alleviate our tension in a great way,and procastinating  will cause the tension to return frequently. We have to do our homework beforehand as well as possible.

1.Fear of unknown 

Fear of unknown is the greatest major source of tension. We bocome tensed by worrying that what will happen if this happens or other thing.

If we want to avoid to be tensed and be relaxed when the situation is out of our control we need to find out the consequence if possible and be prepared and this will limit the tension.

Living peacefully and happily by anger management

Anger management:-

 Without control over ones anger is sufficient to breake the peace and ruin the happy life so managing anger is the most crucial part.  For some people anger managing is very difficult and for some people anger seems to be an alien thing. However in general most of us feel angry at some times.

We will concentrate here how to manage  anger in particular situations that causes anger.

If we consider the following things at the unfavourable situations then the anger might be controlled to some extent, however to control it fully it requires practice.

Consider the Times news quote that says "The people who looks back angrily to their past life suffers the most".

It is not always true that the people who looks angrily to their past life do it  wishingly, but the real fact is somewhat different. The real fact is that they cannot control themselves,even when they knows the consequences also. The problem lies deep inside them, in fact the problem started right from their childhood,the begining 2 to 12 years of their life. It depends the quality of their life during that child hood period. If the child is raised in an environment where there is no love or affection for the child and most of the beaten ,scolded or insulted then the nature of the child transforms totaly and an angry young man  takes birth. Violence, rudeness,impoliteness lack of manner everything is deeply rooted inside them which are very hard to take out of  them by themselves or by others.

The behaviour of this type of people is like as they were treated by their family members during their childhood. However they are sufferers of the sufferers. So only grudges to the parents would not solve the problem.It will be the more intelligent way  to forgive them and find out the ways to heal the wounds. Because taking revenge against them also would not solve your problem nor you will be able to change your behaviour. The only thing that will help in this situation is to find out the right way. Louis L Hay in her book "You Can Heal Your Life" has described it very well and the possible remedies also described there very well in a lucid manner, so that one can find the right way in his life.
First of all they should know the correct behaviour to the other people and then only they can change themselves.

Here the rules that are follwed in general comes into picture,and it will indirectly help managing the anger but if followed genuinly will give extraordinary good result.

1.Practicing good manner
2.Soft Skills

Although practising these two will not manage your anger but it will prevent the situation of generation of anger and will maintain a  peacefull environment.

In the next post we will discuss about the 1.Practising good manner and  2. Soft skills

Managing the self for a peaceful and happy family

 Step 1. Managing the self

In order to lead life happily and peacefully we required to  manage our emotions. If we can control over the The below mentioned emotions are our family will be very peaceful and happy.  
3.Sleep pattern

The first and foremost thing that attributes most for disturbing the peace is anger, without it violence wouldnot exist and without the anger the peace of mind would be moreeasily available.
 However anger is not created at its own.
The situations that creates anger is also to be considerd.

So we first go for Anger management  in the next post 


How to live peacefully and happily

Living smart way is simply a way out of living peacefully and happily. Peace and happy  are the words that we want to get everybody,however most of the times they seems to be very elusive. The two words although look very simple and seems to be very easily available however only the sufferers know the reality, that these two cannot be easily gained irrespective of the prosperity level. Wealth can get things,  services not the peace . Simple people may be able to live peacefully and happily forever until they  face the critical situations,the real world.

To be able to live peacefully and happily have itself many steps, a person have to cross many steps and requires  many steps to cross. We shall assume that they have crossed the general steps and and only the following steps are required to cross.

Step 1. Managing the self.
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Although I am not going to discuss here neither the  management theories nor the politics  and to live peacefully and happily one need not  become a management guru however as the saying goes

 “Man is by nature a social animal" so we have to live amongst the people.

And side by side

 "man is a political animal" also.

So whatever be our intelligence level we sometimes (as the situation the situation demands) have to behave like politician (i.e diplomatic) also.

So what is peace that we are lookig for in this blog?

It is the ways to be non violent in mind and also in behaviour, the ways to avoid or to create situation where there is no fear of violence or conflict.

Certain human characteristics disturbs the peace, here we will identify them and try to eleminate them one by one.
In doing so we will first manage ourselves. My next posts follows about Managing the self